It was obvious to me the night we met that I had found the love of my life, I remember so clearly the instant we locked eyes and feeling the significance of it. I wanted to spend every day with you from that moment onwards. It was our attraction to one another that brought us together, but our devotion, friendship and love are what have kept us together. I cannot believe how fortunate I am to be yours. It is the greatest privilege in my life so far to stand here today and become your wife.
So today, I vow to be faithful to you always, you are the only man for me and one lifetime with you could never be enough.
I promise to continue having unbelievable moments throughout our life together, to appreciate and celebrate the small and the big achievements to come.
I vow to love you through all the highs and lows, to stick by your side and support you always. You are my team.
To be silly with you, to laugh with you (maybe sometimes at you), to continue to make up songs about daily mundane tasks and to not take ourselves too seriously.
To never stop believing that you are the most attractive man in world and to keep telling you that you are handsome even if you say you know. To this day I am in disbelief that I wake up next to you every morning.
I promise to listen to you and to value your opinions even if they ever differ from my own.
I promise to continue to cherish our beautiful friends and family, they are so important to us and our connection with them all is one of our greatest strengths. You have brought the most incredible people into my life.
Every day you inspire me to challenge myself and will endeavour to do the same for you.
I vow to be myself with you, to be honest about my feelings and goals. You bring out the best in me, you make me feel confident, I can do anything with your support.
And without wishing away the present and our own adventures to come, I cannot wait to start a family with you, to give you babies who I will love endlessly as I do you. To give them the amazing experiences we both had growing up. I hope they acquire your love of nature and adventure and less so, my love of designer items.
Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a love like this, so many sliding door moments in life lead me to the night we met, to meet you again and to never let go. It was as though our souls met long before our eyes did.
You are the answer to every wish I have made, finding you was finding my home. You’ll forever be the man I love and the man I want to love me.
I, XX, take you, XX, to be my Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.
I have loved you for the past 12 years, and I am so excited to be standing here with you today to promise to love you for the rest of eternity as your wife. Our journey over the years has been full of laughter, worldly travels, terrible driving directions, snow adventures and countless milestones and achievements. You make every day so wonderful. I have never met anyone who laughs out loud at the television quite like you do, your joy is so infectious that it makes even the small moments special.
I could not be more proud of the kind, patient, intelligent and handsome man you are. Your love and guidance have shaped me into who I am today; you keep me grounded, you calm my mind, support me unconditionally and make me feel safer than I ever thought possible. The rest of the world fades away when I am wrapped up in your embrace, the one place I feel most at home. I fall deeper in love with you with every good morning kiss, every time you tuck me into bed, and every time you volunteer to be the one to get off the couch to retrieve the stolen sock out our dog’s mouth.
Today, surrounded by all of our loved ones, I take you to be my husband.
I vow to love you completely, and forever. I vow to be your biggest supporter, and fiercest advocate.
I promise to forever be your teammate, to stand hand-in-hand with you as we face our challenges and celebrate our wins.
I vow to never give up on trying to convince you to adopt every dog in the world. I also promise to try to be less jealous when every animal we meet instantly loves you more than me.
Robert A Heinlein wrote “love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own”.
I vow to keep your happiness at the center of everything I do, to serve and cherish you, to respect you and be loyal to you for the rest of our lives.
I love you.